I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.

40 years of I. Roemercohorte Opladen

40 years ago, the I. Roemercohorte Opladen saw the light of day - we celebrated our anniversary with numerous guests at Villa Borg on 8 June. Representatives of numerous museums and friendly groups, former members and other long-time companions did us the honour of toasting 40 years in the service of the empire together with us. The programme for the celebratory day was just as full and varied as the association's long history of success: after a speech by our Chairman Hans-Werner Berg and a welcome address by Dr Josef Mühlenbrock, Director of the LWL Roman Museum in Haltern, awards were presented to deserving members. After the afternoon programme with cakes, gladiator fights and a Roman wine tasting, the banquet opened in the evening with Roman dishes and musical interludes. The event concluded with an illustrated review of the club's history, which brought back memories of the club's origins in the Rhineland carnival, the first "serious" museum events, several marches, events in half of Europe and many large and small events - and whetted the appetite for the years to come.


Zeichnung eines römischen Legionärs aus dem Logo der I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.